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If you made a decision to follow Jesus, we’d love to help you grow

Tell us about your decision

English only Translation pending

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Made a decision? The next step is to tell someone

Congratulations on your decision to invite Jesus Christ to take control of your life. Praise God! That is an exciting step and the beginning of a lifelong journey of knowing God personally. Plug yourself into a Bible-believing church. Pray daily. Read God's Word daily. And share your faith with others. To help you grow, we offer several effective tools you can use. Find out more about our resources here. All these learning resources are all completely free of charge.

We'll send you more information right away to help you get started! We won't sign you up for anything, and we respect and protect your privacy.

items in red below marked with an asterisk (*) are required. If you are signed in, some fields will be pre-filled for your convenience. Sign in now

Your contact info

Name: *


Mailing Address: *

City: *

Country: *

State/Prov: *

Zip Code: *

E-mail Address:

Your E-mail address is important because most of our communication with you will take place by E-mail. Please supply it if you have one, and check it carefully for accuracy.


Please include area code!

Your Member ID:

Only if a League member

Was your decision the result of reading a Gospel of John? *   Yes   No

Gospel referral number (optional)

If you have a Gospel with a sticker on the back page, or a friend's member ID, please enter that number below.

Referral ID:

Your story (optional)

Your story matters! Please write a quick account of how you came to your decision to follow Jesus. Keep it short, but try to include what your life was like before, how you got your Gospel or learned about Jesus, and how your life has or may change as a result of your decision.

Brief story about how I came to Christ:

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If you encounter any problems with this form, please contact the webmaster to let us know by using our convenient online feedback form or sending an Email to

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